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Loving Who You Are! A Tween Workshop Building Self-Confidence & Self-Love - Date TBA

It’s hard growing up, let alone being a girl. There’s so much that you have to go through from body changes, discovering new emotions, feeling the pressure to ‘fit in’ and keep up with everything and everyone else while still feeling so confused, unsure and self-conscious of yourself. It’s TOUGH!

The secret to getting through it all is to have the self-confidence, body-confidence, self-love and authenticity of truly being YOU! When you feel and know that what is happening in your body is normal you feel safer and more at peace. When you give love and respect to your body, thoughts and feelings through every step of the way, you have more certainty in yourself and the beautiful woman you are becoming. When you realize that you are more powerful and whole to fully express yourself in your likes, dislikes, hobbies, passions and pursuits, you become a beacon of light to others around you to do the same and shine their light.

This is not a lone journey though. You are meant to experience these changes and this life with the amazing support of other friends, family, teachers, coaches and society as a whole. You want to be a part of a new world that lifts each other up, helps encourage others, share your gifts and be your best self.

This workshop dives deep into the greatness that you already are, provides practices and tools to help guide you to continue your self-actualizing journey to your greatest life of being fully you. Through group and personal sharing, mirror work and other tips, tools and practices, you will come away knowing that you are perfect exactly as you are. Only through embracing who and what you are in this moment will you be able to move more self-assuredly into the tomorrow you want to create, yourself and together with the females around you.

July 16

BEYOND the Break Up and Betrayal- Date TBA

January 1

A Journey Through Infertility: Aligning your Body, Mind & Spirit for Your Baby - TBA